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"Drift" (2010) | First HD Montage (Mw2) - Sam Gall Movie Reviews

In honor of #TheExpendables4 being announced.. (would prefer a more diverse or all female cast, but I'll take Tony Jaa & Megan Fox still).

Here's my first HD 'Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2' montage I edited from 2010 when I was sponsored by ProModz and playing for XcLuSiveXLCinema under the gamertag: Sambofuzzy.

I apologize for some of those gawd awful .50 cal streaks, but hey you gotta start somewhere right? I always loved the editing and cinematics of montages more than anything.

Shoutout to OS X Ripple. Wherever you are now, Hunter.. Sending my best, brotha. Thank you for all the good times. Hope to cross paths again one day.

Equipment used: Hauppauge HD-PVR (which I used for years, kinda wish I still had it), eyeTV and Final Cut Studio Pro.

Song is Shinedown by Diamond Eyes from the very first 'Expendables' trailer also back in 2010.

Miss this game. Miss those times.

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