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"Freaky" (2020) Actor: Magnus Diehl Interview - Sam Gall Movie Reviews 11/18/20

Updated: Dec 5, 2020

Hey guys! Welcome to my 4th interview for Sam Gall Movie Reviews!

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Today I’ve got childhood, hometown friend and rising star; Magnus Diehl!

He’s been a creator, storyteller and filmmaker for as long as I’ve known him; making small films throughout his youth. He’s appeared in the TV series “Nashville”, “Out of the Wild”, and wrote & directed “Sal and the Goon” starring John Diehl.

But today we’re talking about his latest role as Phil in in the hit film; “Freaky

In theaters now and available on demand December 4, 2020.

If you haven’t already, check out my gem mint review for “Freaky”.

Magnus was kind enough to dive into his experience of what it was like to make, auditioning, working with director Christopher Landon, bonding with the cast and gives us a great look into the overall experience of getting to work on “Freaky”.

Magnus, thank you for your time, your generosity and continuous talent. I feel honored to have gotten to know you over the years and see you grow. It was so nice catching up, getting to see you and hear about your latest project. You truly were amazing in it. I can’t wait to see what you do next!

And just a heads up guys, we recorded this interview November 18th, at the time "Freaky" had a DIFFERENT digital / on demand release date so please ignore the date we discuss IN the interview, as I will keep up the correct date throughout.

In theaters now and available on demand December 4th, 2020.

Instagram: @magnusjackson

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